The Team

Ch. Kashif Mateen
Elected Library Sectory Rawalpindi District Bar2025-2026

Rogan Phillips
Mr Phillips is a partner at Missouri and has made a name for himself in the New York family law circles. Mr Phillips’ prior experience includes the defense of Mr Smith in the Smith-Jones case.

The managing partner at Missouri, Ms Gilbert first passed the state bar in the 1970s, and has represented a wide variety of public and private sector clients.
Aghata Gillbert
President of Muthida Tahreek e Pakistan Lawyers Forum
MA (Isl)- MA (IS)- BA/LLB
The Team

Voice President Of Muthida Tahreek E Pakistan Women Lawyers Forum

Syeda Kainat Fatimah

The managing partner at Missouri, Ms Gilbert first passed the state bar in the 1970s, and has represented a wide variety of public and private sector clients.
Aghata Gillbert
LLB (Hons)
President Of Muthida Tahreek E Pakistan Women Lawyers Forum
LLB (Hons)